Many self-storage owners have embraced kiosks to help them rent units and accept payments 24/7. Kiosks are a great way to automate the rental process and reduce labor costs. However, implementing kiosks requires commitment and planning. They also require management buy-in and a willingness to change.


There are a number of reasons why self storage kiosks are beneficial for businesses. They are an inexpensive way to increase customer satisfaction and decrease the time that employees spend interacting with clients.

Kiosks are also a cost-effective way to attract new business. They are especially helpful if a facility doesn’t have a full staff and wants to be able to sign up new customers without paying overtime fees. The price of a self-storage kiosk can vary widely depending on the features and options that are available. Ultimately, it is best to choose a manufacturer that offers a variety of models and services.

In addition to offering customers a convenient place to check in and out, a kiosk should allow them to rent and pay for units online. They should also be able to change unit codes, and they should be able to sign up for insurance. A kiosk can be installed in a freestanding location, or it can be mounted through a wall. Both options require careful placement. Another important feature is that a kiosk should have an alert system that will send an email or text message when something goes wrong. This will help a manager catch problems before they become serious.


Kiosks enable customers to rent a unit, make a payment and access their storage space without having to talk to a manager or wait for an assistant. That can be particularly useful if a facility offers 24/7 access and can’t afford to hire a full-time manager. In the United States, self-storage kiosks are quickly becoming popular at both new and existing facilities. For some, they offer a competitive advantage that frees up the manager to focus on other revenue-driving activities. They also eliminate the need to sign up new renters for insurance and can process their payment securely using cash, credit card or cheque. In addition, they can answer questions about storage pricing, availability and amenities. There are many different models of self-storage kiosks available, depending on the needs of the business. Some are designed for indoor use, while others are rated to be outdoor and protected from the elements, including weather and vandalism.

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Time Savings

Self-storage kiosks enable businesses to save time by allowing customers to rent and pay their bills online without the need for an onsite manager. This automation allows businesses to man their facilities only during peak times, which eliminates the need for overtime and frees up managers to focus on other revenue-generating tasks. The benefits of kiosk technology go beyond operational efficiency, however. Kiosks also increase customer satisfaction and upsell opportunities. A self-storage kiosk can be a key selling point for a facility, especially when it’s paired with a marketing website that provides tenants with an optimized experience. This solution will turn web traffic into paying customers, so your facility’s bottom line should see a significant boost. Kiosks can be expensive to install and run, so they’re not always the best choice for every business. Often, marketing websites provide the same functionality but without the costs of kiosks.

In addition, some customers prefer to interact with a person to handle a problem rather than rely on a website. This is especially true for younger generations, who are more tech-savvy. Using an interactive kiosk enables your customers to rent and pay their bills when it’s convenient for them, which improves their experience and keeps your business open even during busy times. This means you’ll be able to increase your open times for new customers and cater to existing ones’ needs.

Customer Satisfaction

The benefits of self-storage kiosks for businesses are many, including reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction. For instance, they can help reduce staffing costs by allowing customers to rent units when it’s convenient for them instead of relying on a manager to open the doors. In addition, they can help improve customer service by reducing call volumes and providing a more convenient way for customers to pay their monthly bills and sign leases. They can also help customers access their accounts and sign up for insurance at the kiosk, thereby eliminating the need for the facility manager to process these forms. Kiosks can also be integrated with a POS system and lighting and security software to give customers a seamless experience at the property. Some kiosks even dispense padlocks to customers when they’re signing up for a new unit, which can help improve security while reducing staffing needs. Another benefit of kiosks is that they can be used to increase revenue. For example, self-storage companies often advertise special promotions and deals through kiosks. They can also offer customers the ability to make reservations online and pay their rent with a credit card or cash.

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