If you are a business owner, you are probably always looking for new markets for your products and services. Doing business in Europe is a good first step for American entrepreneurs, as their business environments and regulations are not too different from those in the United States. France is one country that you can choose to expand your business to. What do you need to have success doing business in France?

1. Effective Communication

Unless you or your employees are fluent in French, you will probably need help communicating with customers and other French officials. Find a French translation service that will help with interpretation. find a booklet printing service to print the visuals you need to effectively get your message across. They can assist will translating written documents and make sure your website is clear and understandable. Don’t rely on auto-translate programs as they can make mistakes and you won’t know it.

2. Get Legal Representation

Setting up a business overseas, even in a country like France, comes with its own legal red tape. There are a lot of bureaucratic rules that you won’t be aware of. Hire a local attorney to help you with the business registration process and any other legal steps you need to take to be allowed to operate in France. If for any reason you run afoul of business law, you will have a connection to a lawyer already and won’t need to search for one last minute.

3. Hire a Tax Expert

The United States is one of the only countries that taxes citizen’s incomes earned abroad. You will also need to figure out the local tax regulations and what is due to each country. Tax law is tricky and there are different treaties that may or may not apply to your business. Hire tax experts in France and the United States to make sure you have all your bases covered and won’t get hit with a huge tax bill at the end of the year.

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Doing business abroad is not for every company. When you do take that step, though, you are opening up the possibilities to even more growth and income. You will be able to hire more people and make your company a bigger player on the world stage. Follow these tips for a smoother entry into the French business world. Once you’ve set up there and experience success you can use your experience to expand into more countries. Enjoy those croissants while you are on a business trip to Paris.

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