Childbirth is an amazing thing but it also takes a huge toll on your body. It can take months for new moms to get “back to normal” after having a baby. Those first few months of postpartum care are particularly important but can be challenging. Here are important areas you can expect to focus on to help you prioritize your own health and wellness as a new mom.

Dealing With Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is common during pregnancy and after childbirth. Pelvic floor treatments Burlington ON can help strengthen and retrain the muscles that were stretched and damaged during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. This type of issue rarely resolves itself on its own and can worsen over time, so talk with a physical therapist about which treatments can help.

Nourishing Your Body

Caring for a new baby takes a lot of time so it can be hard to remember to practice some basic self-care, including eating a properly balanced diet complete with supplementation where needed. Following health and nutrition tips that are actually evidence-based will be essential. However, your body needs to replenish the nutrients lost during delivery, so eat wholesome and filling foods to help keep your energy up while you heal. This is especially important forĀ breastfeeding mothers.

Caring for Your Mental Health

The exhaustion and hormonal changes that come with childbirth can be overwhelming. Most mothers experience a few weeks of mood swings with bouts of sadness, anxiety, or depression. However, if these feelings persist for more than a month after delivery or if they become severe, it’s important to talk with a professional who can help you care for your mental health. There are many ways to combat postpartum depression, including therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication. An expert can help you develop a plan that works for your unique needs.

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Gradually Reintroducing Exercise

For those first few weeks, it’s important to rest as much as possible to allow your body to heal. Experts recommend lifting nothing heavier than the baby for the next six to eight weeks. Those who have had a C-section should try not to lift at all for the first few days. However, it is still important to gradually reintroduce exercise and keep your body moving. Be gentle with yourself and start slow with some mild stretching and short walks until you can make your way back to a healthy workout routine.

It’s easy for new mothers to put themselves at the bottom of the list. Even so, caring for yourself is essential if you want to be able to properly care for your new baby. Stay in touch with your doctor and take steps to prioritize your own physical, mental, and emotional wellness so you can feel your best and enjoy this special time in your life.

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