A dedicated phone number can help a small business and its employees in a number of ways. Here are three advantages of dedicating a phone number to your small business.

1. Customer Connection

Your business-dedicated phone number is likely going to be the easiest and most direct way for customers to contact you. Some businesses, particularly those with regional, national or international reach, tend to use toll-free numbers for customer service purposes, but if your area of operation is mainly local, this may not be necessary. A good addition to your small business phone number is a personal outgoing message for your voicemail, which can further strengthen your connection with your customers.

2. Professionalism

Having a dedicated business phone number increases your reputation for professionalism. A business that has a phone number available tends to seem more legitimate than one that can only be contacted via email. A dedicated business line is also far more professional than simply using your personal phone number. With a business phone number, you can release it publicly without risking your personal information and you can tailor your away message specifically for your business.

3. Work-life Balance

Avoiding the use of your personal phone number, even if your business is just starting out or is small, goes a long way toward improving your work-life balance. Dedicated business phone numbers allow you to set a boundary between your work life and your personal life. You can leave access to your business phone at the office and answer any calls that arrive after business hours when you return to the office. This also helps you avoid needing to screen calls to your personal phone during your off-hours.

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Depending on the size of your business and whether you plan to expand, it’s also possible to designate two or more phone numbers for your business. It all depends on your business’s needs.

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