During the day, your eyes are naturally exposed to a specific grade of high-energy blue light from the sun, which is necessary for healthy eye function. However, you spend much time gazing at computers, especially after dark. In that case, blue light exposure can disturb your circadian cycle and produce symptoms including eye strain, headaches, and poor sleep.

They filter out blue light

Blue light is electromagnetic energy emitted by computer screens, laptops, televisions, and LED lighting. It has shorter wavelengths than the longer wavelengths emitted by the sun and can potentially be damaging to your eyes.

Using these devices for extended periods can cause eye strain, headaches, and dry eyes. These symptoms result from blue light affecting your retinas and disrupting your circadian rhythm.

You might be wondering, how do blue light glasses work? You may use blue light glasses to filter out the excess blue light that might harm your eyes. They work by filtering out or blocking this harmful energy from digital devices.

These glasses are a great addition to your daytime wardrobe because they filter out excessive amounts of blue light from computer screens, smartphones, and other electronic devices that can affect your vision. They also protect your eyes from UV radiation, which can lead to eye damage.

There are several ways to test if your blue light glasses filter out enough blue light. One is to take a pair of your computer glasses and look at something with a bright blue light, like the flashing lights on top of a police vehicle or ambulance.

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If the flashing light is violet or purple, you know your blue light glasses aren’t filtering out blue light properly. It is one of the best at-home tests you can do to ensure your computer glasses are filtering out all of the blue light.

They reduce eye strain

Using digital devices such as smartphones, computers, and tablets can cause eye strain. It is known as digital eye strain (DES) or computer vision syndrome (CVS).

While they do not reduce eye strain altogether, blue light glasses can make screen time more comfortable by reducing eye irritation and dryness caused by screen exposure. They can also protect you from developing eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.

Taking regular pauses from viewing digital devices is the most effective approach to avoid eye strain. It includes following the 20-20-20 rule, which states that you should stare at anything 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

In addition, you can try eye drops or ointments to alleviate dryness. You can also adjust the lighting in your home or office and adjust the contrast levels of your screens to make them more comfortable for you to use.

If you’re looking for blue light glasses to help with your symptoms, we suggest discussing them with an optometrist. They can help you decide if you need a prescription or non-prescription lenses and recommend the right glasses.

They reduce headaches

Blue light glasses filter out harmful blue light that can cause headaches, eye strain, and sleep problems. 

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Limiting your time on digital devices is the best way to reduce headaches and migraines caused by blue light exposure. You can do this by using a screen as far away from you as possible or taking mini-breaks throughout the day.

Similarly, reducing your screen time at night can help you get a better night’s sleep. Before bedtime, you can avoid screens that emit bright blue light, such as smartphones and televisions.

In addition, if you have a specific type of light sensitivity that can trigger a migraine, wearing polarized sunglasses can help, too. These glasses, which come in prescription and non-prescription, block out 97% of the most harmful light absorbed by your eyes.

However, it is essential to remember that while these lenses can help you enhance your vision, they are not a replacement for an annual eye exam with an ophthalmologist or optometrist. If you experience a lot of eye strain or other visual difficulties, consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to rule out any potential concerns.

They improve sleep

Blue light from popular electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, televisions, and gaming systems, interferes with your body’s ability to produce melatonin, which helps your body get to sleep. Unfortunately, it can also cause you to wake up tired, making it hard to fall back asleep again in the morning.

If you rely on digital devices for work or play, blue light glasses can help improve your sleep by guarding against the artificial blue light emitted by these devices. In addition, researchers have found that wearing these glasses before bed can improve sleep quality and quantity.

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The glasses block out the blue wavelengths in the visible light spectrum, a type of electromagnetic radiation that can affect your eyesight and negatively impact your circadian rhythm.

Studies show these glasses can improve sleep and increase daytime performance by reducing eye strain from staring at screens. 

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